Thursday, November 29, 2007

Amaran kepada KM Tamil Nadu

Amaran kepada KM Tamil Nadu

KUALA LUMPUR 28 Nov. – ‘‘Jangan campur tangan dalam urusan Malaysia.”
Demikian ingatan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz kepada Ketua Menteri Tamil Nadu, M. Karunanidhi dan pihak luar yang cuba mencampuri urusan negara ini.

Beliau menasihatkan Ketua Menteri Tamil Nadu itu supaya menjaga negaranya dengan baik-baik kerana apa yang berlaku di negara ini sama sekali tidak membabitkan Tamil Nadu.
‘‘Jaga negeri itu baik-baik. Negeri dia pun tak terkawal. Jangan nak campur tangan dalam hal urusan Malaysia. Ini tidak ada kena mengena dengan Tamil Nadu, ini Malaysia,” tegas beliau kepada pemberita di Lobi Parlimen hari ini.

Mohamed Nazri diminta mengulas kenyataan Ketua Menteri Tamil Nadu itu yang menggesa Perdana Menteri India, Manmohan Singh supaya mengambil tindakan segera bagi membantu masyarakat India di Malaysia.

Ketua Menteri Tamil Nadu itu dikatakan telah menulis surat kepada Manmohan pada Selasa lalu, meminta beliau mengambil segala langkah perlu berhubung dakwaan wujudnya ‘layanan buruk dan penderitaan’ kaum India di negara ini.

Kenyataan Karunanidhi itu disiarkan oleh sebuah laman web dan turut dibangkitkan oleh Ketua Pembangkang, Lim Kit Siang pada sidang Parlimen hari ini.
Kit Siang turut mempersoalkan tindakan Mohamed Nazri melabel mereka yang menghadiri perhimpunan haram Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) sebagai penyangak.
Mengulas lanjut, Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri itu menegaskan, adalah jelas 20,000 individu yang menyertai perhimpunan haram itu penyangak kerana perhimpunan tersebut tidak mendapat permit daripada polis dan perintah mahkamah juga sudah diperoleh untuk menghalangnya.

Sehubungan itu, tegasnya, beliau tidak akan menarik balik kenyataan tersebut dan tidak akan memohon maaf kepada Hindraf yang jelas membelakangkan undang-undang negara.
Malah Mohamed Nazri mengingatkan Hindraf dan mereka yang berhasrat mengadakan perhimpunan haram pada masa hadapan, supaya jangan sesekali mencabar undang-undang negara kerana mereka tidak akan terlepas daripada dikenakan tindakan.

‘‘Saya tidak mengatakan masyarakat India. Saya katakan 20,000 yang keluar itu adalah penyangak dan saya tidak akan minta maaf pada Hindraf. Jangan jadi samseng,” tegasnya.
Berhubung kenyataan penasihat undang-undang Hindraf, P. Uthayakumar pula, Mohamed Nazri berkata, kerajaan akan mengkaji kesahihan dokumen yang dikeluarkan beliau dan yang dipaparkan dalam blog.

Beliau berkata, tindakan Uthayakumar itu turut dibincangkan dalam mesyuarat Kabinet hari ini, dan jika didapati benar, pihak Peguam Negara diminta mempertimbangkan untuk mendakwanya di bawah Akta Hasutan.

‘‘Ini kerana, ungkapan-ungkapan di dalam dokumen itu sememangnya menghasut. Dia menghasut untuk mendatangkan kemarahan orang India terhadap kerajaan, pada masa yang sama, siapa membaca khususnya orang Melayu beragama Islam akan marah terhadap Hindraf,” katanya.


Ini merupakan jawapan oleh kerajaan kepada tuntutan oleh pihak Hindu Munnani supaya Presiden India, Manmohan Singh mencari jalan untuk bertindak dan mencampuri urusan dalam negara. Tindakan ini sudah pun diduga oleh pihak kerajaan dan tidak mengejutkan bila pihak aktivis Hindu mengadakan tunjuk perasaan di hadapan pejabat Konsulat Malaysia di Chennai. Desakan oleh pihak aktivis Hindu Munnani adalah satu provokasi yang sengaja ingin mencampur urusan dalam negara sedangkan negara India sendiri tidak pernah sunyi dari pergolakkan dan pertempuran dikalangan penganut Hindu dan Islam. Ibarat terpandang "kuman seberang laut", golongan Hindu Munnani terlupa "bangkai gajah didepan mata".

Peristiwa perobohan Masjid Babri di Ayodhya seolah olah menghalalkan tindakan penganut ekstremis Hindu India manakala isu perobohan kuil Hindu di Malaysia satu tindakan salah lagi tidak wajar walaupun ianya didirikan tanpa permit atau kebenaran. Walaupun Masjid Babri dibina pada kurun 16 (juga dikenali sebagai Masjid-i Janmasthan atau "mosque of the birthplace) dan tindakan pemusnahannya dihalang oleh komitmen Mahkamah Agung India, ianya tetap menjadi mangsa keganasan dan dirobohkan oleh 150,000 pengikut ekstremis Hindu.

Golongan pengikut Hindu Munnani secara membabi buta menerima dakwaan golongan HINDRAF tanpa mengetahui asas kebenaran.

Dakwaan bagaimana pengikut Hindu India lebih ekstrem dari kerajaan Malaysia dan kaum Melayu dapat dilihat di sini

On the other hand on December 10, 1992 Indian government banned two Hindu fundamentalist groups blamed for the demolition of Babri Mosque as the death toll from the ensuing communal violence reached 950.

Protesters killed in Babri mosque riots

Between three and six people have died in clashes between Hindus and Muslims in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad on the 11th anniversary of the razing of the 16th century Babri mosque.

Black flag marks mosque razing as day of mourning for Muslims. Twenty-four people were hurt in the incident late on Saturday, 12 suffering bullet injuries, as police opened fire to control rampaging mobs in Muslim-majority areas.
The violence broke out, AFP reported, after Muslims accused Hindus of burning a black flag put up to protest the destruction of the mosque by Hindu zealots in the northern town of Ayodhya 11 years ago.
Hyderabad city police commissioner RP Singh said two people were stabbed to death while another died in police firing.
We had to open fire to control the situation as the mobs were armed with petrol bombs, swords and iron rods,” he said, adding three of those injured in the rioting were in a critical condition.
Some rioters burned down an electric transformer and tried to take advantage of the darkness to damage nearly half a dozen houses, Singh said.
Another police official, AK Khan told Reuters that an "indefinite curfew has been imposed in several areas of the city after the rioting but there has been no violence since 1am". "The situation is tense but under control."
Peaceful strike The rioting followed a relatively peaceful dawn to dusk strike in the Muslim-dominated old city area of Hyderabad, to protest against the mosque’s demolition.
Hindu extremists want a temple on the destroyed mosque site In Ayodhya, Muslim and Hindu groups staged rival demonstrations as well.
Security was tightened in the city and although the hardline Hindu organisation Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) called for the anniversary to be observed as a "day of valour", no incidents of violence were reported.
"We have urged the youths to take a firm resolve for construction of a Ram temple in Ayodhya", state VHP joint general secretary De Jaideep Patel said in Ahmedabad, an Indian newspaper reported.
The mosque was razed in 1993 by Hindu zealots who claimed it was the birthplace of their god, Ram.
More than 2000 people died in clashes across India as a result of the mosque's destruction. Muslims observed the day as Kheraz-e-Akidat (day of mourning), responding to a call from the Babri Masjid Action Committee to shut all businesses as a mark of protest against the razing of the mosque.

Source: Agencies


Anonymous said...

Kalau baca memorandum Hindraf rasa macam Malaysia ni Bosnia & orang Melayu seperti kaum serb la pulak. Walhal disini semua kaum boleh hidup aman. Bayekk punya propaganda, kat sini pun dah nampak betapa tak ikhlasnye Hindraf.

Hindu kena tolong sesama Hindu la, baru la ade kemajuan dalam masyarakat. Mereka kena menjadi lebih alim serta warak mentaati dewa gajah mereka agar dapat berkat & hidup tanpa maksiat spt minum arak, judi & kianat. Orang orang Hindu perlu membuat satu organisasi seperti pusat zakat supaya bantuan kewangan dapat disalurkan kepada mereka yg memerlukan. Tak semua benda boleh diharapkan drp BN & MIC.

Sebelum Hindraf aku tak tau pun ade India hidup melarat. Simpati tu ade, tapi kalau sampai nak buat kacau bilau di Malaysia, aku harap diorang sedar belas kasihan orang melayu akan hilang.

Unknown said...


I am a Malaysian citizen, and I am a subscriber of ASTRO Satellite TV Broadcast here in Malaysia. Recently I have subscribed to the ASTRO News Package which contains Al Jazeera and other foreign news media.

I was highly looking forward for the international news broadcast on all of the stations provided by the package when I had shocking news from our local news station claiming that the foreign news broadcasters are lying and making stories without properly acquiring the real facts and they are very good actors !!! Furthermore these claims were also made by our government's politicians.

Now, this is rather disturbing and disappointing for me as I have only subscribed for the service for just a few days and I'm being bombarded with such claims. This eventually made me to think:

Am I an IDIOT to subscribe, pay and end up watching acts and lies
Is there is any conspiracy going on here????

I clearly understand the fact that Al Jazeera has a strong principal called the Code of Ethics and you strictly follow it. But the claims by the politicians and local media here make me to think otherwise.

The claims below were broadcasted on 27-November-2007 in TV3 news station. Similar claims were also made in other local newscasters. This is just a few of the claims.

1. TV3 news station claimed that the foreign media cannot be trusted as they do not report the actual news.

2. YAB Datuk Sri Samy Velu claims that there were only 4,600 demonstrators on 25-November-2007 and NOT 50,000 or any other number as claimed by the foreign media.

3. TV3 news station said that the questions thrown at the Information Minister of Malaysia by Al Jazeera (Al Jazeera's name was mentioned) was to purposely create a scene to show that Malaysia is in kiosk situation and Al Jazeera purposely built up the story from the real one. They also mentioned the criticism made by the Information Minister to Al Jazeera.

(Prior to sending the mail, I did some research on the net and actually found the video clip of the above Interview in Youtube. And I actually laughed myself out listening to the reply given by our Minister. Pity him for his language. But in the Malaysian news channel TV3, they only provided the "CLEAN" version of the transcript and the actual call was not aired. This makes me even more confused!!! Who is telling the truth here???)

Now, if Al Jazeera is telling lies,

It is high time for Al Jazeera to review back their Code of Ethics and provide the truth for the people. If you can't do it then don't cheat the entire world. And don't broadcast your news at all. I am not a fool to keep paying for acts and lies.

And if Al Jazeera is NOT lying,

Well, what the heck. The damage has already been done. No one in Malaysia is going to listen to your news anyway due to the "VERY GOOD" publicity done by the Malaysian politicians and the local media. By the way, did I mention that our local media could also be received by our neighboring countries like Singapore and Thailand?


It is not my intension to insult Al Jazeera, other foreign media, our local media or the politicians. If you feel offended by this email, I sincerely apologize to you. Whatever the scenario is, all that I want (and the rest of Malaysian citizens who are in my situation want) is the truth. Since Al Jazeera's and other foreign media's names have been badly damaged here in Malaysia, Al Jazeera and the other foreign media's SHOULD do something to fix it back or you may start losing your viewer in Malaysia.(and its surrounding countries too)

I hope you could keep my details confidential and properly investigate on this issue (just in case if you don't trust me) and find out the real truth behind such a drastic claims made by our local media. That is if you still follow your Code of Ethics.

Yours truly,
A concerned viewer.

1. i am also forwarding this mail to other foreign media for their response.
2. i will be posting this transcript in the internet via blogs so that the viewers around the world will be aware that this matter has been brought to your attention and for them to express their views.